FDC VPS - Amsterdam

VM Template

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Additional Information
(required fields are marked with *)

User to be created in the new VM - cannot be root or the default user name for your operating system
Username blocklist
_apt, _galera, adm, almalinux, backup, bin, chrony, cockpit-ws, cockpit-wsinstance, daemon, dbus, debian, dhcpcd, dnsmasq, ftp, fwupd-refresh, games, gluster, halt, irc, landscape, list, lp, mail, man, messagebus, mysql, news, nobody, operator, polkitd, pollinate, proxy, qemu, rocky, root, rpc, rpcuser, saslauth, setroubleshoot, shutdown, sshd, sssd, sync, sys, syslog, systemd-coredump, systemd-network, systemd-resolve, systemd-timesync, tcpdump, tss, ubuntu, unbound, uucp, uuidd, www-data
Use at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase characters and 1 digit. Password length must be at least 12 characters.
Enter a single public key in RSA, or ED25519 format (no spaces in the comment section allowed). If you're using another SSH key type, you will be able to add it manually later. Otherwise, please contact us for assistance.